Water Supply

Mehsana Nagarpalika

Name of Work: Bid Documents for Desgn and
Build Contract of Rising Main, Distribution
System, Tube well- 10 nos9 Pumping
Machinery on Tubewell, ESR. Collecting
Chamber. Pumping Machinery on Sump and
O & M for 5 years works for augmentation of
Mahesana Water Supply Scheme under
Amrut 2017-20 Dist. Mahesana
Total Order value (in Lacs): 2154.61
Work Order Date: 19-10-2018
Anticipated Date: 31/12/2019


Name of Work: Providing and laying Water
Supply network including gravity main form
MS pipeline to Khoraj GIDC Estate and
construction of U/G sump with pump house at
GIDC Khoraj (Sanand-Ill) Industrial
Estate. Tender
Total Order value (in Lacs): 1497.72
Work Order Date:03-07-2019
Anticipated Date:02-06-2020


Name of Work: Work of Up-gradation of
existing infrastructure at GIDC V.U.Nagar
Industrial Estate With (5) five gears free
maintenance guarantee period under A.I.I.
Total Order value (in Lacs): 1369.46
Work Order Date: 03-08-2019
Anticipated Date: 03-07-2020

Narmada Water Resource

Name Of Work: Construction RCC Pipeline for
Ladol Distrgbutorg From Ch 3330 mt to Ch
15415 mt
Total Order value (in Lacs): 556.05
Work Order Date: 09-01-2019
Anticipated Date: 31/05/2020


Name Of Work: Providing and Laying Water
Supply Line Near Science City Junction
Total Order value (in Lacs): 224
Work Order Date: 28/08/2019
Anticipated Date: 02-04-2020


Name Of Work: Constructing Under Ground
Pipe Line (Ugpl) Of Gadsai Distributory Ch.
8.88 To 11.908 Km With It’s Seven Minors, 3
Minors Of Kamalpur Distry,2 Minors Of
Bhadrawadi Distry And Gulabpura Minor-i Of
Radhanpur Branch Canal Including Operation,
Maintenance & Security For Five Years
Total Order value (in Lacs): 2585
Work Order Date: 20/04/2017
Anticipated Date: 15/06/2020


Name of Work: Constructing Under Ground
Pipe Line (Ugpl) Of Bavaliyari Distributory
(Ld-7b) From 22.70 Km To 30.891 Km And It’s
Sub Distributory -iii Of Vallabhipur Branch
Canal Including Operation, Maintenance &
Security Of Five Years. (Package-iii)
Total Order value (in Lacs): 7978.28
Work Order Date: 10-05-2017
Anticipated Date: 31/12/2019


Name of Work: Supplying, installing & testing of UGPL SystemSubMinor for Irrigation through kundies in Chak area for SSP Command of Various Subminors including maintenance for 5 years under Phase – 1 of Executive Engineer, N.P.Canal Dn. No. 3, Dabhoi (Package – 6)
Total Order value (in Lacs): 16081.99
Work Order Date: 12-10-2017
Anticipated Date: 31/12/2019


Name of Work: Design and Build contract of
U/G sump, ESR, Pump House, Compound wall
and Machinery incl. Rising Main, Gravity Main,
Distribution system and M & R for 12 months
for thara WSS, Dist:- Banaskantha
Contract Value (in Lacs): 281.13
Year of Commencement: 2012
Scope of Work: Underground Sump & ESR


Name of Work: Design and Build Contract of
Rising Main, Gravity Main, Distribution System,
ESR, U/G sump, Pump House, Compound wall
and electro-mechanical works including
twelve month O&M for T HARAD water supply
scheme additional work, Dist:- Banaskantha
Contract Value (in Lacs): 201.47
Year of Commencement: 2014
Scope of Work: Underground Sump & ESR


Name of Work: Design Build & Operate
contract for conventional water treatment
plant & capacity of 33 MLD, RCC ESR, Intake &
Pump Machinery Tal:- Wav of Banaskantha
District Narmada Main Canal Tapping Point
Ch. 413.907 Km at Devpura Head Works
Contract Value (in Lacs): 447.32
Year of Commencement: 2015
scope of Work: 33 MLD WTP, RCC ESR,
Pumping Machinery


Name Of Work: Providing and laying 20 MLD
capacity SSNNL canal based water supply
scheme from Kharaghoda Branch Canal M.S.
Gravity main pipe line to Mandal Industrial
Estate including Construction earthen
Reservoir, Pumping station with pumping
machinery, flexible pavement on bund of
reservoir and internal roads, street lights,
HDPE rising main from Reservoir to Japanese
Part at GIDC, Mandal
Contract Value (in Lacs): 3099.67
Year of Commencement: 2016
Scope of Work: M.S.Pipeline, Reservior, Sump


Name of Work: Designing & Constructing U/G
Sump, Pump House & Providing, Supplying,
Lowering, Laying & jointing M.S. Connecting
main pipeline, Pumping Machinery At:-
Arantwa & Darbari Detal Head Works to BK-4
(Ph.3A) W.S. project based on NMC Bhapi
offtake, Tal:- Tharad & Lakhani, Dist:-
Banas kantha. Under Missing Link: 2014-15
Contract Value (in Lacs): 161.31
Year Of Commencement: 2016
Scope of Work: RCC UG Sump 2 Nos.,
Pumping Machinery, MS Pipeline


Name of Work: Designing & Constructing IJ/G
Sump, Pump House & Providing, Supplying,
Lowering, Laying & jointing M.S. Connecting
main pipeline, Pumping Machinery At:-
Kesargam & Meghpura Head Works to BK-4
(Ph.3A) W.S. project based on NMC Bhapi
offtake, Tal:- Tharad & Lakhani, Dist:-
Banaskantha. Under Missing Link: 2014-15
Contract Value (in Lacs):162.15
Year of Commencement: 2016
Scope of Work: RCC UG Sump 2 Nos.,
Pumping Machinery, MS Pipeline


Name of Work: Supplying, Installing & Testing
of Under Ground Pipe Line system of sub
minors of Raphu Sub Branch of Raphu Distry,
Sudrosan Distry of Raphu Distry offtaking
from Amrapura Branch and sub minors of
Padla Distrg Offtaking from Bolera Branch
Canal Package-BBC-VII
Contract Value (in Lacs): 1378.94
Year of Commencement: 2016
Scope of Work: UPVC Pipe & Water Pump

Narmada Water Resources

Name of Work: Construction of lift irrigation
scheme on URBMC at Village Boridra, Dinod
and Kantwa, Ta:- Mangrol, Dist:- Surat
Contract Value (in Lacs): 2875.96
Year Of Commencement: 2018
Scope of Work: M.S.Pipeline, UPVC Pipe,
Pumping Machinery

Narmada Water Resources

Name of Work: Constructing RCC Pipe line for
net work pipe line from Dabhadi – Manud
drain to Lanva for linking of tank offtaking
from Dabhadi – Manud Drain at Ch. 5200 Mtr.
Contract Value (in Lacs): 552
Year of Commencement: 2018
Scope of Work: RCC Under Ground Pipeline

Narmada Water Resources

Name Of Work: Constructing RCC Pipe line for
net work pipe line from Dabhadi – Manud
drain to Kharadharva-Ziliya for linking to tank
offtaking from Dabhadi – Manud Drain at Ch.
10900 Mtr.
Contract Value (in Lacs): 533
Year Of Commencement: 2018
Scope of Work: RCC Under Ground Pipeline

Narmada Water Resources

Name of Work: Constructing RCC Pipe Line for
net work pipe line of Mareda to Palej &
Sametra to Deloli to Motap for linking of tanks
off taking from Bhasaria Mareda M.S. Pipe
Line at Ch. 14209 Mt. (At. Mareda-Sametra)
Contract Value (in Lacs): 1300
Year of Commencement: 2019
Scope Of Work: RCC Under Ground Pipeline

Narmada Water Resources

Name Of Work: Constructing RCC Pipe Line for
net work pipe line of Linch to Balsasan for
linking of tanks taking from Bhasaria Mareda
M.S. Pipe line at Ch. 4759 Mt. (At. Linch)
Contract Value (in Lacs): 1317
Year Of Commencement: 2019
Scope of Work: RCC Under Ground Pipeline

Narmada Water Resources

Name of Work: Constructing RCC Pipe for net
work pipe line Boriavi to Asjol, Mankanj to
Kanpur & Mankanj to Katosan for linking to
tanks off taking from Bhasaria Mareda M.S.
Pipe Line at Ch. 10159 Km
Contract Value (in Lacs): 1899
Year of Commencement: 2019
Scope of Work: RCC Under Ground Pipeline

Surat Municipal Corporation

Name Of Work: Construction of 21 Lacs Litres
capacity 24 m Staging Height Elevated
Service Reservoir at FP-157, TP-07 (Anjana) in
South East Zone, Surat.
Contract Value (in Lacs): 227
Year of Commencement: 2019
Scope of Work: ESR

Surat Municipal Corporation

Name of Work: Construction of 15 Lacs Litres
capacity 24 m Staging Height Elevated
Service Reservoir (ESR-4), Toilet Block,
Security Cabin and Compound wall with Gate
at FP-120, TP-45 (Jahangirpura) in Rander,
Contract Value (in Lacs): 201
Year of Commencement: 2019
Scope of Work: ESR

Surat Municipal Corporation

Name of Work: Constructin of 24 Lacs Litres
capacity 24 m Staging Height Elevated
Service Reservoir (ESR-3), Toilet Block,
Security Cabin and Compound wall with Gate
at FP No. 64/P (R/5/Paikee), TP-44
(Jahangirabad) in Rander Zone area, Surat
Contract Value (in Lacs): 281
Year of Commencement: 2019
Scope of Work: ESR

Narmada Water Resources

Name of Work: Constructing Under Ground
Pipe Line (UGPL) of Gadsai Distry Ch. 8.88 to
11.908 km with its seven Minors, 3 Minor of
Kamalpur Distry, 2 Minor of Bhadreshwadi
Distry & Gulabpura Minor 1 of Radhanpur
Branch Canal including O & M & Security for
Five Years.
Contract Value (in Lacs): 3270
Year of Commencement: 2020
Scope Of Work: Underground Pipeline Work

Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation

Name Of Work: Construction of 26.50 Lacs
Gallon Underground Water Tank with Pump
House and 24 Lac Liter ESR tank at Tragad
TP-69, FP-309 in Chandlodia Ward, New West
Zone of AMC
Contract Value (in Lacs): 633
Year Of Commencement: 2020
Scope Of Work: Underground Sump, ESR,
Pump House

Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation

Name of Work: Construction of Water
Distribution Station & Elevated Storage
Reservoir in Revenue Survey No. 484 at
Fatehwadi in Sarkhej Ward in New West Zone
Contract Value (in Lacs): 483
Year of Commencement: 2020
Scope of Work: Underground Sump, ESR,
Pump House

Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation

Name Of Work: Construction of 16.00 lacs
gallon capacity Under Ground Sump & Pump
House at Draft T.R 38/1 (Danilimda East), F.P.
35, Near BRTS Workshop in Lambha ward,
South Zone of AMC, Ahmadabad
Contract Value (in Lacs): 290
Year Of Commencement: 2020
Scope of Work: Underground Sump, ESR,
Pump House

Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation

Name of Work: Construction of 26.50 Lacs
Gallon Underground Water Tank with Pump
House and 24 Lac Liter ESR tank at Tragad
TP-69, FP-309 in Chandlodia Ward, New West
Zone of AMC
Contract Value (in Lacs): 633
Year of Commencement: 2020
Scope of Work: Underground Sump, ESR,
Pump House

Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation

Name of Work: Construction of 19.00 Lacs
Gallon Under Ground Water tank and 21.40
Lacs lit ESR tank, Compound Wall and other
civil work at TP 99, FP 128 in Sardarnagar
Ward in North Zone of AMC
Contract Value (in Lacs): 550
Year of Commencement: 2020
Scope Of Work: Underground Sump, ESR,
Pump House

Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation

Name of Work: Construction of 25 lakh liter
capacity (24 Meter Staging Height) ESR & 21
lakh gallon capacity Under Ground Sump and
Pump House with comp wall and toilet block
and Misc. items at TP scheme No. 114, F.R No.
133/1, Nr. Abjibapa Talav, Vastral Ward in East
Zone of AMC.
Contract Value (in Lacs): 631
Year of Commencement: 2020
Scope of Work: Underground Sump, ESR,
Pump House

Surat Municipal Corporation

Name Of Work: Construction of 97 lacs litre
capacity RCC UGSR with Booster House
(WDS-5) including Compound wall with Gate,
Toilet Block & Security Cabin at R-6, TP-78
(Dumas-Bhimpore-Gaviar) & R-22, R-24, TP-77
(Dumas-Bhimpore-Gaviar) in New South West
Contract Value (in Lacs): 554
Year of Commencement: 2020
Scope of Work: Underground Sump, Pump