Western Railway
Name Of Work: construction of balance staff
Quarters, service buildings, Passenger
platforms, foot over bridge, platform cover
shed, formation protection and other ancillary
works in connection with Mahesana- Taranga
Hill Gauge Conversion project in Ahmedabad
Division of Western Railway – Tender No. Dy
Total Order value (in Lacs): 2305.77
Work Order Date: 14-02-2020
Anticipated Date: 13-02-2021
Western Railway
Name of Work: Earthwork in bank, cutting in
all kind of soil/soft rock/hard rock and
blanketing for formation, Yards, trolley
refugees & bridge approaches etc. and
construction of Minor Bridges, Side drains, Toe
walls, Retaining walls and protection works
etc. from Km 0/0 (including MYG yard) to
32/300 (including DB yard) between
Miyagam to Dabhoi section in connection with
“Gauge Conversion of existing NG track to BG
track between Mlgagam – Dabhoi – Samlaga
(96.46 Km)”
Total Order value (in Lacs): 5941.2
Work Order Date: 23/05/2018
Anticipated Date: 31/03/2021
Western Railway
Name Of Work: Miscellaneous works related
to protection work of Major Bridges including
approaches, approach road of stations, toe
wall to formation and other miscellaneous
work in connection with Patan-Bhildi new
Board Gauge line part of Bhildi-Viramgam G.
C. Project.
Total Order value (in Lacs): 1612.49
Work Order Date: 13/06/2018
Anticipated Date: 31/03/2021
Western Railway
Name of Work: Earthwork in bank, cutting in
all kind of soil / soft rock / hard rock and
blanketing for formation, Yards, trolley
refugees & bridge approaches etc. and
construction of Minor Bridges, Side drains, Toe
Walls, Retaining Walls and protection works
etc. from Dabhoi to Chandod in connection
with “Dabhoi – Chandod – Gauge conversion
with extension upto Kevadiga project”.
Total Order value (in Lacs): 1243
Work Order Date: 27/07/2018
Anticipated Date: 31/03/2021
Western Railway
Name Of Work: Earthwork in bank, cutting in
all kind of soil / soft rock / hard rock and
blanketing for formation, Yards, trolley
refugees & bridge approaches etc. and
construction of Minor Bridges, RUBs, Side
drains, Toe Walls, Retaining Walls and
protection works etc. from Km 18/200 to
34/00 (Including Yard) between Chandod to
Kewadiya section in connection with “Gauge
Conversion of existing NG track to BG track
between Dabhoi-Chandod and extension upto
Kewadiya (49.75 Km)”.
Total Order value (in Lacs): 4519.08
Work Order Date: 08-05-2019
Anticipated Date: 31/03/2021
Western Railway
Name Of Work: Earthwork in bank, cutting in
all kind of soil / soft rock / hard rock and
blanketing for formation, Yards, trolley
refugees & bridge approaches etc. and
construction of Minor Bridges, RUBs, Side
drains, Toe Walls, Retaining Walls and
protection works etc. from Km 80/0 to 92/500
between jobat to kakarwa stations of
alirajpur – Dhar section in connection with
construction of New BG line between CTD-
Total Order value (in Lacs): 4745.93
work Order Date: 01-09-2019
Anticipated Date: 01-08-2020
Western Railway
Name of Work: Earthwork in bank/cutting &
blanketing for formation, Yards, trolley
refugees & bridge approaches etc. and
construction/extension of Minor Bridges,
RUBS, Side drains, Toe Walls, Retaining Walls,
Protection works etc. between Ambari to
Alirajpur station from KM 35/0 to 50/0 in
connection with construction of New BG line
between Chhotaudepur Dhar.
Contract Value (in Lacs): 2280
Year of Commencement: 2018
Scope of Work: Earthwork & Railway Bridge
Western Railway
Name Of Work: Construction of Road Under
Bridge No:- 104 at Ch: 47.17 Km on Alirajpur –
Kukshi State Highway in connection with
Sanction project of construction of New
B.G.Line between Chhotaudaipur – Dhar.
Contract Value (in Lacs): 395
Year Of Commencement: 2019
Scope Of Work: Railway Bridge
Western Railway
Name of Work: Construction of Road under
bridge by launching of pre cast RCC Box
segment using cut and cover method,
providing RCC retaining wall, road in
approaches and other misc. work to eliminate
level crossing No. 37, 42 & 46 between stations
Rajpardi & Junarajuvadia on Ankleshwar –
Rajpipla BG section. (BRC-73)
Contract Value (in Lacs): 497
Year of Commencement: 2019
Scope Of Work: RCC Pre cast Bridge
Western Railway
Name of Work: Construction of road under
bridge by casting and launching of pre-cast
RCC Box segment using cut and cover
method, providing RCC retaining wall & road
in approaches and other misc. work to
eliminate level crossing No. 47, 48, 50, 52 & 63
between station Janarajuvadia & Taropa on
Ankleshwar – Rajpipla BG section (BRC-74)
Contract Value (in Lacs): 794
Year of Commencement: 2019
Scope of Work: RCC Pre cast Bridge
Western Railway
Name of Work: Elimination of Level Crossing
by Construction of Road Under Bridge (Low
Height Subway, LHS, 22 Nos.) with ancillary
works like construction of RCC Wing and
Return walls, retaining walls, Providing Gabion
walls, protection works etc. in lieu of existing
level crossing between Ahmedabad and
Himmatnagar Stations in connection with
Ahmedabad – Himmatnagar Gauge
Conversion Project. (17-R1-2)
Contract Value (in Lacs): 5249
Year of Commencement: 2020
Scope of Work: Railway Road Under Bridge
Western Railway
Name of Work: Earthwork in formation, &
Platform, blanketing and ancillary
miscellaneous work such as pitching, toe wall,
RCC platform wall etc. and other works
required for sucessful completion of
Mehsana-Vadnagar Section in connection
with Mehsana – Taranag Hill Gauge
Conversion Project in Ahmedabad Division of
Western Railway. Tender No. Dy. CE (C)ll-
Contract Value (in Lacs): 1049
Year of Commencement: 2020
Scope of Work: Earthwork, Railway Bridge &
Railway Platform Work
Western Railway
Name of Work: Earthwork in formation,
blanketing, trolley refuge and construction of
various minor bridges including misc. works
like pitching, toe wall etc. between stations
Mehsana & Varetha in connection with
Mehsana – Taranag Hill Gauge Conversion
Project in Ahmedabad Division of Western
Railway. Tender No. Dy. CE (C)ll-MSH-TRAH-14
Contract Value (in Lacs): 2333
Year of Commencement: 2020
Scope of Work: Earthwork, Railway Bridge
Western Railway
Name of Work: Construction of S&T Building
stair case/ramp on Platform Road circulating
area, compound wall etc… at Vadnagar in
connection with Mehsana-Taranga Hill
Conversion Project. MSH-TRAH-17
Contract Value (in Lacs): 538
Year of Commencement: 2020
Scope of Work: S & T Building, Platform Work