Canal & Dam

Narmada Water Resource

Name of Work: Construction of Barrage,
Protection work & other allied activities across
River Sabarmati, At village Hirpura Ta. Vijapur,
Dist. Mehsana.
Total Order value (in Lacs): 10692.52
Work Order Date: 03-08-2019
Anticipated Date: 03-08-2019


Name of Work: Ex Eng. Kbc Dn No 3/1.
Tharad, Work Of Patrolling, Security, Gate
Operation And Maintenance And Repairs And
Water Management For Dhima Branch Canal
With Its Distributaries And Minors.
Total Order value (in Lacs): 305.85
Work Order Date: 01-03-2020
Anticipated Date: 01-02-2021


Name of Work: Ex Eng. npc Dn No 4/3. Kadi.
Work Of Patrolling, Security, Gate Operation
And Maintenance And Repairs And Water
Management For Viramgam li Branch Canal
With Its Distributaries And Minors.
Total Order value (in Lacs): 360.94
Work Order Date: 02-04-2020
Anticipated Date: 02-03-2021


Name of Work: Ex Eng. Kbc Dn No 3/1,
Tharad, Work Of Patrolling, Security, Gate
Operation And Maintenance And Repairs And
Water Management For Madka Branch Canal
With Its Distributaries And Minors.
Total Order value (in Lacs): 266.69
Work Order Date: 01-07-2020
Anticipated Date: 01-06-2021


Name of Work: Ex Eng. Kbc Dn No 24. Work
Of Patrolling. Security, Gate Operation And
Maintenance And Repairs And Water
Management For Vejpur Branch Canal With
Its Distributaries And Minors.
Total Order value (in Lacs): 344.27
Work Order Date: 26/02/2020
Anticipated Date: 25/02/2021

Sardar Sarovar Narmada Nigam Limited

Name of Work: Constructing Narmada Main
Canal reach 380.088 to 388.164 (Earthwork,
Structure and Service Road) at Risk & Cost.
Contract Value (in Lacs): 797.39
Year Of Commencement: 2011
Scope of Work: Earthwork, lining Structure
and Service Road

Narmada Water Resources

Name of Work: Renovation of Jamanpur
Irrigation Tank near Village Jamanpur, Ta:-
Harij, Dist:- Patan
Contract Value (in Lacs): 234.65
Year of Commencement: 2012
Scope of Work: Check dam


Name of Work: Construction of Head
Regulator (Intake Structure work including
approach structure work) at Ch. 91.22 km,
109.96 km, 134.20 km at NMC for supply of
water for Panchmahal Dist.
Contract Value (in Lacs): 656.92
Year of Commencement: 2012
Scope of Work: Head Regulator

Sardar Sarovar Narmada Nigam Limited

Name of Work: Constructing of Bollero
Branch Canal off taking from NMC @ Ch,
326.442 Km Earthwork and Structures, and Ch.
O to 19.79 km lining & Service Road Ch. O to
14.245 Km remain work.
Contract Value (in Lacs): 797.36
Year of Commencement: 2013
Scope of Work: Earthwork. lining Structure
and Service Road

Sardar Sarovar Narmada Nigam Limited

Name of Work: Constructing Earthwork,
Lining, Structures, Service road, gates. control
cabins & laboratories including operation,
maintenance & security for five years of
Dhima Branch Canal
Contract Value (in Lacs): 3314.89
Year of Commencement: 2013
Scope of Work: Earthwork. lining Structure
and Service Road

Sardar Sarovar Narmada Nigam Limited

Name of Work: Construction of earthwork,
C.C.Iining. structures and service road for
Raphu sub branch & Raphu Distry of
Amarapura Branch Canal & their Operation &
Maintenance for five years (Package: ABCD-
Contract Value (in Lacs): 1720.02
Year of Commencer Ent: 2014
Scope of Work: Earthwork, lining Structure
and Service Road

Sardar Sarovar Narmada Nigam Limited

Name of Work: Constructing Earthwork, Lining
structures of Dhanora Distry (Ch. 7.36 to
10080 km) and Padla Distry (Ch. 0.00 to 9.452
Km) with their offtaking from Bolera Branch
Canal of Narmada Main Canal including
operation & maintenance for five years.
Contract Value (in Lacs): 1416
Year of Commencement: 2014
Scope of Work: Earthwork. lining Structure
and Service Road

Sardar Sarovar Narmada Nigam Limited

Name of Work: Constructing Earthwork,
Lining, Structures including
Operation/maintenance, and security for five
gears to Rachhena Distru and its Minors off
taking @ Ch. 14124 mt. from Dhima Branch
Canal (Pkg-V)
Contract Value (in Lacs): 1489.32
Year of Commencement: 2014
Scope of Work: Earthwork, lining Structure
and Service Road

Sardar Sarovar Narmada Nigam Limited

Name of Work: Constructing Earthwork,
Lining, Structures including Operation
maintenance and security for 5 years to
Bhoral Distri and its minors as well as
Takhatpura Dhima Pratappura and Mahadev
pura direct minor offtaking between Ch. 4627
m to 11716 m from Dhima Branch Canal
Contract Value (in Lacs): 1692.78
Year of Commencement: 2014
Scope of Work: Earthwork, lining Structure
and Service Road

Narmada Water Resources

Name of Work: Constructing Big Checkdam of
90 mt length & 1.50 Height across river Rupen
near village Ranchhodpura, Ta:- Bechraji,
Dist:- Mehsana
Contract Value (in Lacs): 182.86
Year of Commencement: 2014
Scope of Work: Check dam

 Narmada Water Resources

Name Of Work: Constructing Big Checkdam Of
90 mt length & 1.50 Height across river Rupen
near village Ranela, Ta:- Bechraji, Dist:-
Contract Value (in Lacs): 189.02
Year of Commencement: 2014
Scope of Work: Check dam

Sardar Sarovar Narmada Nigam Limited

Name of Work: Constructing Canal Earthwork,
Lining, Structures & Service Roads for the
Distributaries and Minors of Limbdi Branch
Canal including Operation and Maintenance
for Five years for LD-4, LD-5 & MO-I (SLICE-5)
Contract Value (in Lacs): 2998.68
Year of Commencement: 2015
Scope of Work: Earthwork, lining Structure
and Service Road

Narmada Water Resources

Name of Work: Modernization of Boriavi
Distry, Part-I & II and its system, Uttarsanda
Distru and its system, Nadiad Distru and its
system and system of Nadiad Branch Canal
under AIBP Project. (Package NN/ 11)
Contract Value (in Lacs): 1296
Year of Commencement: 2015
Scope of Work: Earthwork, lining

Sardar Sarovar Narmada Nigam Limited

Name of Work: Strengthening of vulnerable
high banking of NMC between Ch. 220.90 to
458.31 Km (Work for Ch. 225.80 to 250.40 Krn,
368.50 to 369.04 Km, 390.00 to 390.50 Km and
407.00 to 440.00 Km)
Contract Value (in Lacs): 739
Year of Commencement: 2015
Scope of Work: Canal Strengthening

Sardar Sarovar Narmada Nigam Limited

Name of Work: Constructing Additional
Escape Structure including Manufacturing,
Supplying, Erection and Commissing of Radial
Gate with its hoist & stop log gate @ Ch.
75.330 km on I.P Side of Narmada Main Canal
Contract Value (in Lacs): 787.62
Year of Commencement: 2016
Scope of Work: Civil Structure & Gate Work

Sardar Sarovar Narmada Nigam Limited

Name of Work: Strengthening of vulnerable
high banking of NMC between Ch. 0 to 144.50
Km (Work for Ch. 47.45 to 48.00 Km, 74.40 to
77.37 Km, 92250 to 95.80 Krn, 112.70 to 114.70
Km, 108.20 to 109.05 Km and 120 to 120.50
Contract Value (in Lacs): 565
Year of Commencement: 2017
Scope of Work: Canal Strengthening

Sardar Sarovar Narmada Nigam Limited

Name of Work: Constructing Earthwork, C.C.
Lining, StriJCtlJres and Service Road of the
Distributary only (without Minors) of
Kamatalav Distry (LD-4B: Upper portion from
Ch. 0 to 13765 m) offtaking from Vallabhipur
Branch Canal @ Ch. 64.795 Km including
Operation, Maintenance & Security for five
Contract Value (in Lacs): 3077
Year of Commencement: 2017
Scope of Work: Earthwork, lining Structure
and Service Road

Sardar Sarovar Narmada Nigam Limited

Name of Work: Constructing Distributaries
and Minors work for the command area
under Vallbhipur Branch Canal for [Olak
Distry (D-1), Kalam Distry (D-2), Bhagwanpura
Distry(D-5), Fulwadi Distru (D-6), Mulbavla
Distry (D-7), Parali Distry (D-8) & Kaliveji
Distru (D-9)] (SLICE-I)
Contract Value (in Lacs): 6097
Year of Commencement: 2017
Scope of Work: Earthwork, lining Structure
and Service Road

Narmada Water Resources

Name of Work: Constructing Big Checkdam of
90 mt length & 2.00 Height across river Rupen
near village Hajipur, Ta:- Vadnagar, Dist:-
Contract Value (in Lacs): 182
Year of Commencement: 2017
Scope of Work: Check dam

Sardar Sarovar Narmada Nigam Limited

Name of Work: Manufacturing, Supplying,
Transportation, Erection and Commissioning
of Vertical Gates including Embedded parts,
screw hoists for regulating structures on
Distributories & Minors of Vejpur Branch,
Madka Branch, Malsan Branch, Dhima Branch
and Gadsisar Branch & Security, operation,
maintenance and repairs for five years.
Contract Value (in Lacs): 1104
Year Of Commencement: 2017
Scope of Work: Gate Work

Sardar Sarovar Narmada Nigam Limited

Name of Work: Constructing remaining
Earthwork, Lining, Structures, Service road
and Control cabin Vejpur Branch Canal and
distributors of Vejpur Branch Canal
Contract Value (in Lacs): 5666
Year of Commencement: 2018
Scope of Work: Earthwork, lining Structure
and Service Road

Narmada Water Resources

Name of Work: Final Restoration works in D/S
Launching Appron Of Lakroda Weir
Contract Value (in Lacs): 1097
Year of Commencement: 2018
Scope of Work: Restoration of Barrage Work