Mehsana Nagarpalika
Name of Work: Bid Documents for Design and
Build Contract of Rising Main, Distribution
System. Tube well- 10 nos.. Pumping
Machinery on Tubewell, ESR, Collecting
Chamber, Pumping Machinery on Sump and
O & M for 5 gears works for augmentation of
Mahesana Water Supply Scheme under
Amrut 2017-20 Dist. Mahesana
Total Order value (in Lacs): 2154.61
Work Order Date: 19-10-2018
Anticipated Date: 31/12/2019
Name of Work: Providing and laying Water
Supply network including gravity main form
MS pipeline to Khoraj GIDC Estate and
construction of U/G sump with pump house at
GIDC Khoraj (Sanand-III) Industrial
Estate. Tender
Total Order value (in Lacs): 1497.72
Work Order Date: 03-07-2019
Anticipated Date: 02-06-2020
Name of Work: Work of IJp-gradation of
existing infrastructure at GIDC V.U.Nagar
Industrial Estate With (5) five yers free
maintenance guarantee period under A.I.I.
Total Order value (in Lacs): 1369.46
Work Order Date: 03-08-2019
Anticipated Date: 03-07-2020
Narmada Water Resource
Name of Work: Construction RCC Pipeline for
Ladol Distrybutory From Ch 3330 mt to Ch
15415 mt
Total Order value (in Lacs): 55605
Work Order Date: 09-01-2019
Anticipated Date: 31/05/2020
Name of Work: Providing and Laying Water
Supply Line Near Science City Junction
Total Order value (in Lacs): 224
work Order Date: 28/08/2019
Anticipated Date: 02-04-2020
Name of Work: Constructing Under Ground
Pipe Line (Ugpl) Of Gadsai Distributory Ch.
8.88 To 11.908 Km With It’s Seven Minors, 3
Minors Of Kamalpur Distry,2 Minors Of
Bhadrawadi Distry And Gulabpura Minor-i Of
Radhanpur Branch Canal Including Operation
, Maintenance & Security For Five Years
Total Order value (in Lacs): 2585
Work Order Date: 20/04/2017
Anticipated Date: 15/06/2020
Name of Work: Constructing Under Ground
Pipe Line (Ugpl) Of Bavaligari Distributory
(Ld-7b) From 22.70 Krn To 30891 Km And It’s
Sub Distributory -iii Of Vallabhipur Branch
Canal Including Operation, Maintenance &
Security Of Five Years. (Package-iii)
Total Order value (in Lacs): 7978.28
Work Order Date: 10-05-2017
Anticipated Date: 31/12/2019
Name of Work: Supplying, installing & testing
of UGPL SystemSubMinor for Irrigation
through kundies in Chak area for SSP
Command of Various Subminors including
maintenance for 5 years under Phase – 1 of
Executive Engineer, N.P.Canal Dn. No. 3,
Dabhoi (Package – 6)
Total Order value (in Lacs): 16081.99
Work Order Date: 12-10-2017
Anticipated Date: 31/12/2019
Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation
Name of Work: Construction of RCC Box (270
mts.) and Syphon at Fatewadi Canal
Total Order value (in Lacs): 414.65
Year of Commencement: 2015
Scope Of Work: RCC Box
Name of Work: Construction of RCC SWD at
Total Order value (in Lacs): 1063.09
Year of Commencement: 2015
Scope of Work: SWD Work
Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation
Name of Work: Construction of Duct from
Aavkar Hall junction to Cozy Restaurant in
South Zone of AMC area.
Contract Value (in Lacs): 1450.89
Year of Commencement: 2015
Scope of Work: RCC Box
Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation
Name of Work: Constructing Reinforced
cement concrete box along the existing
alignment of Gota – Godhavi drain including
Earthwork. Remodeling. Existing Structures.
Inlet Structures and Percolation Wells from (1)
Ch. 6600 to Ch. 7900 Mtr and Remodeling
Structures at Ch. 6204, 7964 and 8500 mtr
under the jurisdiction of Ahmedabad
Municipal Corporation (GGDP-I)
Total Order value (in Lacs): 1248
Year of Commencement: 2017
scope of Work: RCC Box
Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation
Name of Work: Constructing Reinforced
cement concrete box along the existing
alignment of Gota – Godhavi drain including
Earthwork. Remodeling. Existing Structures.
Inlet Structures and Percolation Wells from (1)
Ch, 9840 to Ch. 9940 Mtr. (2) Ch. 10700 to Ch.
11700 Mtr & (3) Ch. 13000 to Ch. 13800 Mtr,
Total 1900 Mtr and Remodeling Structures at
Ch. 9015.12035 and 14952 mtr under the
jurisdiction of AUDA (GGDP-2)
Total Order value (in Lacs): 2322
Year of Commencement: 2018
Scope of Work: RCC Box
Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation
Name of Work: Constructing Reinforced
cement concrete box along the existing
alignment of Gota – Godhavi drain including
Earthwork. Remodeling. Existing Structures.
Inlet Structures and Percolation Wells from (1)
Ch. 9840 to Ch. 9940 Mtr. (2) Ch. 10700 to Ch.
11700 Mtr & (3) Ch. 13000 to Ch. 13800 Mtr,
Total 1900 Mtr and Remodeling Structures at
Ch. 9015.12035 and 14952 r-ntr under the
jurisdiction of AUDA (GGDP-2)
Contract Value (in Lacs): 1922
Year of Commencement: 2018
Scope of Work: RCC Box