Visnagar Nagarpalika
Name of Work: Constructing various
Development work under Visnagar Seva
Sadan Visnagar. Dist- Mahesana
Contract Value (in Lacs): 114.99
Year of Commencement: 2013
Scope of Work: C.C. Road
Name of Work: Construction of compound
wall around the water supply PP area plots,
incl. earth filling and tree plantation inside the
pp area
Contract Value (in Lacs): 218.24
Year of Commencement: 2014
Scope Of Work: Compound Wall
Name Of Work: Development of Cement
Concrete, Paver Block Pavement, Construction
of Boundary Wall, Extension of Railway
Bridges, Construction of Administration
Building Work along with other allied works at
DCT Khemli, Near Udaipur, Rajasthan.
Contract Value (in Lacs): 130997
Year of Commencement: 2018
Scope of Work: Building Work, Railway Bridge,
Pavement Work
Name of Work: Constructing of Balancing
storage reservoir having capacity of 340 ML
near Bhapi village of Tharad Taluka, Dist:-
Banaskantha. BK-4, Phase-2B WSP based on
NMC Bhapi offtake Ch. 443.27 Km.
Contract Value (in Lacs):709.42
Year of Commencement: 2018
Scope of Work: 340 MLD Storage Reservior
Name Of Work: Construction of flexible
pavement with street light at Bhagapura
Industrial Estate (Ph-I & Ph-II) Strengthening
and Widening of existing R&B (Panchayat)
metal road from village Ughrojpura via
Narmada vasahat to Shihor-Vasana from
Detroj-Vitthalapur SH-133 for approach road
to Bhagapura Estate.
Contract Value (in Lacs): 3346.35
Year of Commencement: 2019
Scope of Work: Road Work
Name Of Work: Construction of CRCL Building
at Multimodal Logistic Park (MMLP) at
Khodiyar Ahmedabad
Contract Value (in Lacs): 777.77
Year Of Commencement: 2019
Scope Of Work: Building Work